Day :
- Track 1: Novel Approaches to Analytical and Bioanalytical Methods
Track 2: Analytical Methodology
Track 3: Bioanalytical Methodology
Track: 4 Analytical Techniques in Pharmacogenomics
Track 5: NMR and Analysis of Small Organic Molecules
Session Introduction
Esubalew Adugna
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Title: Characterization of honey in terms of physicochemical parameters and trace heavy metals. Amhara region
The qualities of Ethiopian, Amhara region, multifloral honey samples were evaluated for moisture content, pH, free acidity, lactonic, total acidity and trace heavy metals. The values for quality parameters were in range of moisture content, 14.56-19.20%, pH, 4.50-4.80, free acidity, 33.33-42.60 meq Kg-1, lactonic acidity, 8.43-10.86 meq Kg-1 and total acidity, 44.19-51.06 meq Kg-1. The concentration of trace heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) were also evaluated using flame atomic absorption spectrometer after wet digestion. The contents of trace metals in honey samples were in the range of 0.15 μg g-1 -6.66 μg g-1, 0.02-0.32 μg g-1, 0.36 μg g-1 -7.29 μg g-1, ND, ND-2.53 μg g-1 and 9.96-14.62 μg g-1 for Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn, respectively. The accuracy of the method was assessed by spiking honey samples with known amounts of standard metals, and examining recovery. The analytical data showed a significant difference in honey trace heavy metal concentrations and studied physicochemical parameters. The results obtained were in agreement with data reported in other literatures.
Faiz Ali
University of Malakand, Pakistan
Title: Separation of Peptides and Proteins in Tryptic Digest of Cytochrome C by Novel Step Elution Approach in Open Tubular Capillary Electrochromatography
Dr. Faiz Ali has completed his PhD at the age of 31 years from INHA University South Korea and postdoctoral studies from the same University. He is the Editorial board member for the UK Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences (UKJPB) He has published about 12 papers in reputed SCI journals and has presented about 12 conference presentation in international reputed conferences
A multi-monomer based copolymer layer was immobilized on the inner surface of a pretreated 1.1 m long silica capillary column (50 µm internal diameter and 1.02 m effective length) after the attachment of 4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenyl isocayanate and sodium diethyl dithiocarbamate initiator system. The attachment of initiator system to silanol functionalities on the inner capillary surface was assisted by dibutyl tin dichloride catalyst. The copolymer immobilized open tubular capillary column resulted in the separation of about 40 peaks out of tryptic digest of cytochrome C sample in capillary electrochromatography with high separation efficiency (Ca. 220,000 plates/column) for some of the peptide peaks. A novel step elution approach was also demonstrated for the separation of tryptic digest of cytochrome C where two mobile phases having different water content were used during the same run resulting in the separation of higher number of peptide peaks (Ca. above 50) out of tryptic digest of cytochrome C, with much improved peak capacity. The step elution approach in addition to the open tubular nature and increased column length could be a good strategy for proteomic analysis with enhanced peak capacity in capillary electro-chromatography.
Chen-Zhong Li
Florida International University, USA
Title: Electronic Micro Devices for Neuron Activity Recording and Mapping

Prof. Chenzhong Li, is the director of the Nanobioengineering/Bioelectronics laboratory at Florida International University. The impact of his work is documented in 9 granted patents and more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and over 140 presentations at National/International conferences including more than 90 keynote/invited lectures and seminars. He is the associate editor of 3 SCI indexed scientific journals and received numerous awards and honors such as Kaufmann Professor Awards.
Understanding and controlling the interface between neuronal cells and neuronal network and electrical devices is vital to both biological science and technology. Recent developments in the field of in vitro neuron mapping focus on the development of optical and electrochemical strategies for either single neuron cell/neuron measurement or artificial neuronal networks/brain slices mapping. To mimic in vivo neuronal networks and to elucidate the mechanisms of computation, spontaneous and elicited electrical activity need to be monitored, and multiple simultaneous recordings are required for monitoring individual unit and collective network activity. In this way, both individual cells and cell networks can be scrutinized in order to understand how changes in single unit activity and functionality. In the present study, we developed a large-scale integration -based amperometric sensor array system for electrochemical bioimaging and throughput sensing of dopamine expression from three-dimensional (3D)-cultured PC12 cells upon dopaminergic drugs exposure. It has been shown that individual cells behave differently from the population even under the identical conditions, as a complementary study, we also explore the possibility of single cell-on-chip based analytical technique which can collect real-time change in cell physiology by measurement of cell exocytosis, i.e., release of neurotransmitters, in a neuronal model cell line, i.e. PC12 cells. The study of single cell dynamics could help us better understand the complex processes, such as, neurotransmitter kinetics, ion channel functions, and cell communications, single cell analysis can be an equivalent and complementary strategy to existing approaches.
Shobini Jayaraman
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, USA
Title: Comprehensive overview of biophysical studies of lipoprotein stability

Shobini Jayaraman has completed her PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India and postdoctoral studies from Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. She was the recipient of Sir Charles Clore fellowship at Weizmann Institute of Science. Currently she is a senior research scientist at Boston University School of Medicine. She serves as the liaison for academic and industrial contract research services at Boston University. She has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals. Here recent publication in JBC has been chosen as Paper of the month in May-2014 by International Atherosclerosis Society
Lipoproteins are nanoparticles comprised of proteins and lipids that provide vehicles for transport of fat and cholesterol in circulation. High levels of certain lipoproteins increase the risk of heart disease. Each lipoprotein is a non-covalent assembly of several proteins and several hundred lipids. The major challenge in the biophysical analysis of lipoproteins arises from their heterogeneity in size (7-100 nm), density (1.06-1.22 g/L), and protein and lipid composition. Moreover, lipoproteins are highly dynamic assemblies undergoing continuous remodeling via various enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions. This provides a major challenge for detailed structural studies of lipoproteins. To overcome this challenge, we designed an integrated biophysical approach by combining far- and near-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, turbidity, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), fluorescence spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (EM), size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and other methods to analyze the structure and remodeling of all major lipoprotein classes. This integrated approach was used to study thermal denaturation of human low- and high-density lipoproteins (LDL and HDL, or bad and good cholesterol). The results clearly showed that lipoprotein stability is controlled by kinetics barriers. Interestingly, heat-induced remodeling of all lipoproteins involves partial protein unfolding/dissociation and lipoprotein fusion and rupture. These structural transitions mimic key aspects of in-vivo lipoprotein remodeling. These and other emerging approaches will allow one to study structural, dynamic and functional properties of larger more challenging systems. Ultimately, such integrated approaches are hoped to bridge the gap between the biophysical studies of isolated macromolecules or their complexes, and the complexity of cellular systems.
Anil K. Shukla
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,USA
Title: Recent Developments in Top-Down Proteomics: LC-MS/MS Analysis of Intact Proteins

Anil Shukla earned his Ph. D. in Chemistry from Southampton University studying the formation of gaseous clusters by supersonic expansion and their characterization by mass spectrometry. He has worked on many different aspects of mass spectrometry of small molecules and lately ventured into proteomics performing analysis of peptides and proteins by LC-MS/MS. He is currently a senior research scientist with the Integrative Omics group at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory where he has been working on proteomics studies by LC-MS/MS of peptides and proteins. He has published extensively on development, fundamental studies and applications of tandem mass spectrometry of small molecules as well as complex biological systems.
Mass spectrometry has become an invaluable tool in proteomics studies with the development of ionization techniques, chromatographic separations and mass spectrometers of higher sensitivity and higher resolution. Majority of these analyses involved digestion of proteins into smaller peptides followed by liquid chromatography separation and mass spectrometry/tandem mass spectrometry analysis. This methodology has proved to be extremely useful in identifying proteins, however, it lacks on correctly identifying post-translational modifications which are very crucial in structure determination and understanding the role played by such modifications. However, tandem mass spectrometry used for identifications of peptides and hence proteins does not always provide necessary information on modification sites and several methods, such as electron capture dissociation and electron transfer dissociation have been developed to obtain better information. It still remains difficult to determine the correct structure of proteins from this information. Top-down proteomics where intact proteins are separated by LC and tandem mass spectrometry is used to fragment these intact protein ions by above techniques to provide a complete description of the primary structure of the proteins and associated modifications. In this presentation, recent developments on the separation and analysis of intact proteins in our lab as well as other labs will be presented.
Uppsala University, Sweden
Title: Infrared spectroscopy combined with imaging modalities is a new technique to understand the disease pathology

Dr. Saroj Kumar has completed his PhD from Stockholm University, Sweden and postdoctoral studies from Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and Canadian lighsource, Canada. He is the Project leader in department of Engineering Science, Uppsala University, Sweden. He has published more than 22 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an reviwers in reputed journals
Methodology: Development of modern infrared spectroscopy has a wide range of biological applications. Initially, it was extensively used for protein secondary structure analysis as well as nucleotides, lipids and carbohydrates. Now with time it extended to biodiagnositic tools such as cells, tissues and bio-fluids. Infrared imaging can use to discriminate between healthy and diseased one. IR microscope equipped with FPA (focal plane array) detector able to scan the larger area with quick time and that helps to measures the cells as well as tissue (histopathology). An IR synchrotron light source connected with IR microscope further enhances the spatial resolution at diffraction limit. I will present briefly the use of this method of infrared spectroscopy in disease pathology with two examples (breast cancer and multiple sclerosis).
Experimental setup: The spectroscopic imaging data on breast cancer and multiple sclerosis samples were acquired in transmission on deparaffined 3-5 μm thick tissue slices deposited on 40x26 mm2 BaF2 slides. For cells, the fibroblasts were grown on CaF2 window and directly used for FTIR measurements. We used a Hyperion imaging system (Bruker) equipped with a 64*64 MCT (Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride) FPA (Focal Plane Array) detector.
Results: Using FTIR imaging technique to discriminate healthy and diseased samples on the basis of chemical changes due to its potential to probe tissues and cells at the molecular level. Now with the application of advanced focal plane array detector able to scan large area of samples in a short time, helps to investigate the specific changes that could be correlated with the pathology and different environmental stresses.
Acknowledgement: We are grateful to CIHR-THRUST (Canada) postdoctoral fellowship, Brain Back to Brussels (Belgium) and VINNOVA-VINNMER mobility for growth grant to S Kumar.
University of Tokyo, Japan
Title: Development of new ion source/new desorption method for mass spectrometry

Md. Ahsan Habib has completed his PhD in Analytical Chemistry at the age of 36 years from Saga University, Japan. Currently Dr. Habib working as a JSPS fellow at the University of Tokyo and Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dr. Habib has also completed 04 post-doc research for 06 years at Saga, Chiba, University of Yamanashi and Yokohama National University in various fields of Chemistry. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and presented at 30 national/international seminars/conferences.
Detection and quantification of illicit compounds at trace level is very much important for public health, security and safety. Mass spectrometry (MS) has already been demonstrated its versatility for detection and quantification of a wide range of compounds at trace level because MS can provide molecular level information of the target compounds. So far, none of the ion source can ionize efficiently for a wide range of compounds. For example,electrospray ionization (ESI) and nano-ESI have been widely using for bio-molecules. Nano-ESI has shown better resolution than ESI but it has clogging problem. To overcome such a problem, several attempts have been taken to develop new ionization source, for example, MALDI, DESI, probe-ESI (PESI) etc. Recently we have developed new atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) using alternating current (ac) instead of dc and found as a soft ionization source (Habib et al., RCMS). Moreover, hollow cathode discharge (HCD) ionization source has been fabricated for detection of explosives at trace level (Habib et al., RCMS). A desorption method has also been developed using an ultra-cutter to desorb highly non-volatile illicit compounds and ionized dielectric discharge (DBD) ionization source and found better limit of detection (LOD) (Habib et al., ASMS). A vacuum glow discharge ionization (vacuum-GDI) source has been fabricated for compounds those give negative ions. A further attempt has also been taken to fabricate a hybrid ionization source with DBD/ESI for polar/non-polar, volatile/non-volatile compounds.
Istvan Halasz
PQ Corporation, R&D Center, USA
Title: Quantum Chemistry Aided FTIR Spectroscopy to Distinguish Internal and External Brønsted Acidic Sites of Zeolite Nano-Crystals

As a Principal Chemist at the Research & Development Center of PQ Corporation, Dr. Halasz has studied the properties of silica derivatives for 17 years. His Ph. D is from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Earlier he has conducted catalytic, solid state, and materials research in the Hungarian Hydrocarbon Institute, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and at the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering departments of Wayne State University in Detroit and University of Iowa in Iowa City. He edited a book, authored circa 125 book chapters, patents, and peer reviewed scientific papers and held 80+ international conference presentations.
Microporous nano-crystals of zeolites are key ingredients in more than 50% of heterogeneous catalysts, which contribute to manufacturing the majority of chemical products. Their Brønsted acidic hydroxyl groups (BA-OH) play pivotal role in many reactions. The presence of BA-OH sites on the crystallite surface bears of special interest, due to diffusion limitations inside of their micropores. Yet distinction of the internal and external BA-OH sites has been ambiguous. Here we show that clear distinction can be made by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy when both diffuse reflectance (DR) and transmission (TR) sampling techniques are employed. Different laboratories use these techniques interchangeably for characterizing solids. To our surprise, we observed very different BA-OH spectra on some zeolites when measured by these two methods. Since physical and chemical differences do not generate such large spectral deviations, we conjectured that emphasized vibrational intensities of the surface and bulk BA-OH groups cause the differences when DR or TR technique is used, respectively. To prove our point we performed selective pyridine adsorption experiments on Chabazite (H-CHA) and H-SAPO-34 zeolites and also computed the density functional theory (DFT) based FTIR spectra of their four geometrically different BA-OH groups in the bulk and on the surface, which confirmed the conjectured vibrational differences. These zeolites are key ingredients of new catalysts for diesel-automobile exhaust control and for the methanol to olefin, MTO, technology.
Moinuddin Sarker
Waste Technologies LLC (WTL), USA
Title: Conversion of Waste Plastic into Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuel

Moinuddin Sarker has completed his phd .
Waste Plastic is huge problem in USA and around the Global. This is global problem . Inventions of the twentieth century, plastics are everywhere. Society has found ample ways to use plastics. But users are less adept at managing the material when they are finished with it—often after only one use. The volume of plastics being produced, used, generated, and discarded is greater than ever before. Plastics therefore require increasing effort and ingenuity to properly manage. Annually, of the 120 billion pounds of plastics produced in the United States only about 6% or 4.8 billion pounds are recycled. For all the talk of plastic bans, plastic production is increasing. Waste Technologies LLC (WTL) has the solution at its disposal. This technology can produce approximately 1.3 liter of “WTL fuel” from one kilogram of plastic waste. The exact yield depends on the type of plastic, and the grade of WTL fuel desired. Typically, the process produces a residue of less than 5% of the weight of the plastic waste. This residue is rich in carbon and may be an environmentally superior substitute for coal with a higher BTU value. The WTL technology is able to cater to a wide range of diverse applications, including but not limited to fuel, gas and electrical generation. NSR’s / WTL patented technology, in conjunction with WTL technology and know-how, is a simple and economically viable process to decompose the hydrocarbon polymers of waste plastic into the shorter chain hydrocarbons of liquid fuel. WTL believes that it can convert approximately one tonne of plastic into about 300 gallons of fuel at a cost of about $0.75-$1.00 per gallon and produces 4,205 ft3 (CFT) of light gas (C1-C4) byproduct when developed to commercial size. WTL’s refining process is uncomplicated and promises to be very competitive with large crude oil installations. In financial projections WTL uses $30/bbl. ($0.71 per gallon) for preprocessing and refining costs. Other plastic recycling technologies generally have a very narrow band of plastics they can use. Nearly all recycling is done with plastic designations 1 or 2 while designations 3 through 7 are virtually untapped (over 70% of all plastic fall within these categories). A combination of economic and technological factors account for this situation. The advantage of WTL technology is that it can produce a profitable product from material that society generally pays to thrown away. It is this no or low cost feedstock that is the key advantage.
Dan Fu
University of Washington, Department of Chemistry, USA
Title: Quantitative multiphoton microscopy based on multiplex and ratiometric techniques

Dan Fu is Assistant professor of Chemistry at the University of Washington. He received his bachelor's degree from Peking University in China (2003). In 2009, he completed his PhD study at Princeton University under the supervision of Professor Warren Warren, working on the development of novel label-free multiphoton absorption microscopy methods. He worked with Professor Sunney Xie as a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, where he developed multiplex stimulated Raman scattering microscopy and hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. He joined the faculty of the University of Washington in the summer of 2015.
Multiphoton microscopy is a powerful technique for understanding cellular structure and function in tissue and in living organisms. Currently fluorescence is the most popular contrast mechanism, but there is also a surge in interests of using absorption and Raman as chemical contrasts. Using a high frequency modulation transfer technique, two-photon absorption and stimulated Raman scattering can be detected with the same microscope configuration for multiphoton fluorescence. However, a common challenge in multiphoton microscopy is to quantitatively determine molecular concentration in tissue samples. Light scatters in tissue, resulting in signal loss as it travels deeper into tissue. We developed multiplex and ratiometric techniques that allows us to correct for scattering induced signal loss and recover quantitative molecular information. We further demonstrated quantitative stimulated Raman scattering and two-photon imaging of cells and tissue. We believe these developments will be essential for future biomedical applications of multiphoton microscopy.
Huanwen Chen
Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry and Instrumentation, China
Title: Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry For Biosample Analysis

Huanwen Chen has completed his PhD at the age of 28 years from Jilin University and postdoctoral studies from Aston Lab, Purdue University. He is the director of Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry and Instrumentation. He has published more than 200 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute.
Mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the preferable analytical techniques for sensitive characterization of biological samples on the molecular levels. Technological innovations advance mass spectrometry for sophisticate applications in many fields including but not limited to chemistry, material sciences and life sciences. For trace analysis of a typical biological sample, classical MS techniques require multi-step sample pre-treatment (e.g., grinding, extraction, separation, pre-concentration, etc.) to obtain molecular information from the native biological samples, especially for detection of trace analytes distributed in the 3-dimensional volume of a bulk sample[1,2]. Commonly associated with sample pre-treatment are biological degradation, chemical reactions, reagent contamination, and material losses. Apparently, tedious sample pretreatments strangle the breakthrough of high throughput in analytical mass spectrometry.
By isolating the high electric filed required for ionization from any biological sample, extractive electrospray ionization (EESI) allows direct detection of small metabolites and/or large proteins distributed either on surfaces or inside bulk tissue by mass spectrometry, without any sample pretreatment. Experiments demonstrated that EESI-MS minimizes matrix effects during the ionization process, enabling real-time, in vivo analysis of biofluids, biosurfaces, aerosols and living objectives. Therein the fundamental principle, instrumentation and typical applications of EESI-MS for biological analysis would be summarized, giving emphases on progresses in our lab for sensitive qualitative/quantitative detection of chemicals located inside a bulk tissue of whole-volume (≥20 mm3), with neither mashing/grinding the sample nor matrixes clean-up[3-5]. Furthermore, the emerging utilization of EESI-MS for sequentially acquiring metabolites, lipids, and proteins in a single tissue sample will be presented for the first time.
Yuhui (Henry) Zhao
Epcor Water Canada, Canada
Title: Where There Is a Will There Is a Way - Increasing Efficiency by using dual detector on VOC Analysis with an Agilent GC

Yuhui (Henry) Zhao completed his PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Alberta in 1995. He has been working since in a few analytical laboratories for the past 20 years as a Senior Scientist. His research and development interests cover the areas of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) - Optical Emission Spectroscopy, ICP-Mass Spectrometry, GC and GC-Mass Spectrometry. Yuhui is currently working as a QA Scientist at Epcor Water Service Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOC) and Disinfection-by-Product such as Trihalomethanes (THM) in water samples, is one of the major tasks routinely carried out in our laboratory. Due to its low cost, simplicity, high sensitivity and wide linear range to non-chloranated organic compounds, gas chromatograph with an flame ionization detector (GC-FID) is always our first choice of instruments. However, FID has its own limitations. The low sensitivity of FID to multi-chloranated VOCs may not satisfy the low detectiom limit requirment. In some cases, these compounds need to be analyzed on a more senstive (but specific) detector, such as an Electron Capture Detector (ECD). Further, FID respond to any carbon-contaning organic componds, and can not distinguish those co-eluted. Co-eluted compounds are often re-analyzed on a different instrument (or detector ) for confirmation. A significant amount of time and effort was spent on these repeated analysis. To overcome these difficulties, we used a one-injector, one–column and dual-detector (FID and ECD) configuration. Sample injected through the inlet, separated by a capilary column, and the effluent is splited into two streams. The major stream with over 95% of the flow directed to the FID, and the minor stream with less than 5% of flow directed to an ECD. Thus, with a single run, two sets of data are obtained simultaneously. A macro-program was developed in-house to do the data handling. The program compare the two sets of data and make judgement on compound identification. Some of the wrongly identified compound results are automatically converted to the right value. This eliminated the necessity of using a second set of analytical instruments, or switching the column back and forth between detectors. With this practice, not only time and effort are saved, but also the certainty in data quality is significantly increased.
Shenjiang Yu
Bioprocess Merck Co. & Inc, USA
Title: Characterization of Therapeutic Protein by Two Dimensional-LC (2D-LC) System

Dr. Shenjiang Yu is currently Associate Principal Scientist from analytical development group of bioprocess at Merck. He is has completed his PhD at the age of 25 years from University of Central Florida University. He has been USPTO registered patent agency since 2012 and published 15 papers in reputed journals.
Therapeutic protein, including monoclonal antibody (mAb), is one of the most rapidly growing area in many pharmaceutical companies. However, releasing and characterizing such molecule requires a number of analytical methods. Even for primary structure characterization, many different HPLC techniques such as ion exchange, size exclusion, reverse phase and hydrophobic interaction are involved. Unfortunately, each technique can only provide limited information based its own separation mechanism. Two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) is a powerful tool for analyzing highly complex samples such as therapeutic proteins. 2D-LC is performed by online transfers of eluent from the first-dimension column to the second-dimension column. Ideally, both columns have orthogonal separation selectivity, thereby increasing the potential peak capacity to the product of the individual peak capacities. With this advanced technology, 2D-LC provides the possibility to combine two orthogonal methods and discover the correlation of the data obtained by different sepatration mechanism. This correlation provides critical information for total characterization of therapeutic proteins.
Dongxue Han
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Title: The New Photoelectric Materials for Analytical Applications

Dongxue Han, associate professor of Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, the Fifth Council of National Federation of Organic Electrochemistry and industrial sectors of (2012.05-2016.05). 1997-2001 Bachelor of Science, Northeast Normal University. 2001-2004 Master of Science, Northeast Normal University. 2004-2007 Doctor of Science, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2008-2009 Postdoctoral Åbo Akademi University in Finland. Since 2008 Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The main research areas include photoelectrochemical materials, nano-structured composite materials and the electrode interface modification, electrochemical sensing applications and so on. As the first or corresponding author, 37 scientific papers have been published in SCI journals such as Advanced Materials, Chemical Science, Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Communications, Nanoscale. And they have been cited for more than 3,800 times. 13 patents have been applied, among which 6 have been authorized.
Photoelectrochemical technique has attracted tremendous attentions since it combined merits of both optical and electrochemical methods, which has been applied as efficient strategy to develop DNA sensor, cytosensing, enzymatic analysis, immunoassay and many other small molecules sensing etc. The mechanism of photoelectrochemical sensor is based on reductive property of photoelectron or oxidative capacity of photo-generated hole. Howbeit, efficient and stable photocatalyst that are capable of harvesting visible light for an optimized use of solar energy are still very prerequisite. In order to best facilitate the specific analytical system, in our group, through theoretical simulations with calculation of the binding energies, a variety of semiconductor and composite materials have been designed and optimized including silver halide series of composites (AgBr/g-C3N4/N-graphene, AgCl/Ag nanocrystles, Ag@AgCl/BiVO4, AgX/graphene aerogels, AgClxBr1-x, Ag@AgBr/SO3H-Graphene, etc.), series of doped & hybrid TiO2 composites (ug-C3N4/TiO2, GO/TiO2, SO3H-Graphene/TiO2, Ce-S-TiO2/SO3H-graphene, polyaniline-graphene/TiO2, etc.) and other semiconductors (V doped BiMoO4, Pd/SnO2/graphene, etc.) It reveals that such photoelectrochemical technique is considered to be an ideal platform for water quality monitoring & purification, global antioxidant capacity assessment, o-diphenol discrimination, carbon dioxide reduction and other applications1-5. It is anticipated that the photoelectrochemical technique will open up new insights into the architectural design of novel photocatalysts with high photoactivity and further utilizations in the environmental, food and energy field.
Apostolos Atsalakis
University of Cambridge, USA
Title: First-principles study of siloxene and germoxene: stable conformations, electronic properties, and defects

Apostolos Atsalakis is PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge in Biotechnology. He is the author of several patents and peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals. He holds an MPhil degree in Nanotechnology from Cambridge University and a Bachelor / MSc in Applied Physics from the National Technical University of Athens.
Two-dimensional materials can be used in a variety of bioanalytical techniques. Recent interest in two-dimensional (2D) forms of Si and Ge has surged recently, with a focus on silicene and germanene, the Si- and Ge-based analogues of graphene, as well as their derivatives. Siloxene and germoxene are 2D materials made of honeycomb Si and Ge backbone sheets that are decorated with H atoms and OH groups. This work uses first-principles calculations to probe the properties of their various conformations. It is shown that the most stable siloxene (and germoxene) polymorph is the so-called washboard structure, and not the chair geometry assumed in previous studies. The stability of the washboard configuration relates to the formation of a network of hydrogen bonds between its hydroxyl groups. It is also found with hybrid functional calculations that siloxene and germoxene are wide band-gap semiconductors with gap values of 3.20 eV and 2.64 eV, respectively. Finally, we show that H and OH vacancies introduce spin polarization in these 2D materials and have a tendency to pair up in stable di-vacancies
Jaya Vejayan
Universiti Malaysia Pahang Malaysia
Title: The Application of Proteins from Less Likely Studied Samples From South East Asia

Jaya Vejayan has completed his PhD from University Malaya, a premier university in Malaysia. In his MSc he was involved in isolating bioactive compounds from the medicinal plant, Ipomea pes caprae, known to be an antitoxin to jellyfish toxins. While in his PhD he used proteomics to study proteins in various snake venoms in Malaysia. Accordingly, he merged both of the knowledge together to derive the 2DE guided purification technique. He has published in a number of publications mainly relevant to the field of toxinology and remained focused in furthering investigations in the use of snake venom for biotechnology purposes.
Protein play multitude of roles in the body of an organism. Enormous effort been done over the years to study proteins either by the traditional chromatography techniques of isolating one at a time or by the later developed means of proteomics advances capable to study directly on a protein mixture. This paper provides some examples of studies done on either of the mentioned approaches on protein mixtures obtained from samples specifically found predominantly in South East Asia. Exposures on mapping the two dimensional electrophoresis gel of a number of venom from snakes found commonly in Malaysia and in its neighboring countries will be highlighted. The challenges of mapping protein of abundance, elimination of vertical streaks, lack of protein library, the use of cup loading spiking and 2DE guided purification techniques are some of the important findings. Additionally, the potential development of a protein marker capable to be used to authenticate herbal products incorporated with Tongkat Ali (the notoriously famous aphrodisiac plant) will be also introduced. To conclude the shift of attention from the traditional focus of investigating herbal constituents to that of bioactive protein in natural products rapidly emerging in South East Asia.
Joon Myong Song
College of Pharmacy Seoul National University, Korea
Title: Quantitative Multicolor Single Cell Imaging Cytometry for High-content Drug Screening Based on Nanoprobes

Joon Myong Song received his Ph.D. in 1997 at Kyushu University, in Japan. He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow from 1998 to 2004 at Iowa State University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in United States. At present he is a professor and head of Department of Pharmacy at College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University in South Korea. His research area includes multifunctional nanoparticle for diagnosis and therapy and high-content cell-based drug screening and diagnosis using hyper-multicolor cellular imaging. He has published 90 peer reviewed papers in the top journals, 7 book chapters, and 10 patents.
Cell-based assays are essential to assess drug-mediated toxicity and cellular responses and to discover new chemical entities in the early phase of drug discovery. Cellular assays are usually based on either imaging or spectroscopic analysis. However, quantitative image-based cellular assays are still a major challenge for drug screening. In this work, quantitative multivariate image-based high-content cellular assays (HCAs) are reported. These assays were achieved using acousto-optical tunable filter and quantum dot probes. This approach is based on uniform threshold intensity distribution (TID) through quantitative multispectral and multicolor imaging cytometry. This method is capable of performing wide arrays of automated, quantitative, and multivariate cellular assays via single-cell monitoring over time. The approach of employing region selection to slightly defocused, background-nullified and threshold images facilitated rapid quantitative measurements during cellular assays by providing uniform TID over the objects (cells), necessary for automated quantitative analysis. This high-content cellular imaging method offers imaging and quantitative analysis of targeted cellular moieties, which can be further applied to various cellular assays in combination with snapshot methods. Application of HCA to organ-specific cell models provides deeper biological information suitable for better decisions on progressing compounds. Gaining a deep understanding of the mechanisms underlying these cellular responses is valuable before a series of lead compounds are progressed to time-consuming and expensive animal tests. This work has great significance for the exploration of various cellular response involved in drug efficacy and toxicity in the process of drug discovery.
- Track: 6 Advances in Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Track: 7 Analytical Techniques in Immuno Chemistry
Track : 8 Environmental Analytical Aspects
Track 9: Applications of Analytical and Bio analytical Methods
Session Introduction
Shobini Jayaraman
Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Title: Comprehensive overview of biophysical studies of lipoprotein stability

Shobini Jayaraman has completed her PhD from Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India and postdoctoral studies from Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. She was the recipient of Sir Charles Clore fellowship at Weizmann Institute of Science. Currently she is a senior research scientist at Boston University School of Medicine. She serves as the liaison for academic and industrial contract research services at Boston University. She has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals. Here recent publication in JBC has been chosen as Paper of the month in May-2014 by International Atherosclerosis Society.
Lipoproteins are nanoparticles comprised of proteins and lipids that provide vehicles for transport of fat and cholesterol in circulation. High levels of certain lipoproteins increase the risk of heart disease. Each lipoprotein is a non-covalent assembly of several proteins and several hundred lipids. The major challenge in the biophysical analysis of lipoproteins arises from their heterogeneity in size (7-100 nm), density (1.06-1.22 g/L), and protein and lipid composition. Moreover, lipoproteins are highly dynamic assemblies undergoing continuous remodeling via various enzymatic and non-enzymatic reactions. This provides a major challenge for detailed structural studies of lipoproteins. To overcome this challenge, we designed an integrated biophysical approach by combining far- and near-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, turbidity, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), fluorescence spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (EM), size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and other methods to analyze the structure and remodeling of all major lipoprotein classes. This integrated approach was used to study thermal denaturation of human low- and high-density lipoproteins (LDL and HDL, or bad and good cholesterol). The results clearly showed that lipoprotein stability is controlled by kinetics barriers. Interestingly, heat-induced remodeling of all lipoproteins involves partial protein unfolding/dissociation and lipoprotein fusion and rupture. These structural transitions mimic key aspects of in-vivo lipoprotein remodeling. These and other emerging approaches will allow one to study structural, dynamic and functional properties of larger more challenging systems. Ultimately, such integrated approaches are hoped to bridge the gap between the biophysical studies of isolated macromolecules or their complexes, and the complexity of cellular systems.
Eamonn Reading
King’s College London, London, UK
Title: Elucidation of Drug Metabolite Structural Isomers Using Molecular Modeling Coupled with Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry

Eamonn completed his PhD at the age of 25 years from the University of Oxford working on membrane proteins within the laboratory of Prof. Dame Carol Robinson, where he held a collaboration with GSK on drug metabolite structure determination. He then performed a year’s postdoctoral study at King’s College London with Prof. Paula Booth before being awarded a BBSRC Future Leader Fellowship in 2016. His main focus is developing new analytical techniques and protocols for structural biology, particularly in the areas of membrane protein folding, function, and drug and lipid interactions.
Ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) in combination with molecular modeling offers the potential for small molecule structural isomer identification by measurement of their gas phase collision cross sections (CCSs). Successful application of this approach to drug metabolite identification would facilitate resource reduction, including animal usage, and may benefit other areas of pharmaceutical structural characterization including impurity profiling and degradation chemistry. However, the conformational behavior of drug molecules and their metabolites in the gas phase is poorly understood. We investigated the gas phase conformational space of drug and drug-like molecules as well as the influence of protonation and adduct formation on the conformations of drug metabolite structural isomers. The use of CCSs, measured from IM-MS and molecular modeling information, for the structural identification of drug metabolites has also been critically assessed. Detection of structural isomers of drug metabolites using IM-MS is demonstrated and, in addition, a molecular modeling approach has been developed offering rapid conformational searching and energy assessment of candidate structures which agree with experimental CCSs. Here it is illustrated that isomers must possess markedly dissimilar CCS values for structural differentiation, the existence and extent of CCS differences being ionization state and molecule dependent. The results present that IM-MS and molecular modeling can inform on the identity of drug metabolites and highlight the limitations of this approach in differentiating structural isomers.
Jie He
University of Cincinnati, Chemistry Department, Cincinnati, OH 45221
Title: Multiplexed, Flexible And Portable Plasmonic Biosensing On-Chip

Jie He is currently a 4th year graduate student in the Sagle group at the University of Cincinnati. Her thesis involves the devlopment of plasmonic on-chip devices for rapid, portable, colorimetric assays. She has authored 4 peer-reviewed articles, in addition to a book chapter.
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance shows excellent promise as next generation biosensing materials, since they provide sensitive, label-free, rapid, colorimetric detection that is amenable to on-chip devices.1 We have recently incorporated uniform nanoparticle arrays into microfluidic and multiplexed devices through the combination of photolithography and colloidal lithography.2 This presentation will highlight two recent applications we have carried out using this technology. The first application involves the fabrication of 96-well glass/PDMS plates that fit into commercially available UV-Vis plate readers. With these plates, we have carried out drug screening aimed at disrupting the interaction between the Human Antigen R (HuR) protein and its RNA binding partner, which has recently been implicated in cardiac hypertrophy.3 In addition, these uniform nanoparticle arrays can be fabricated on other substrates including flexible polymers, which make the devices less expensive and more portable. The second application discussed is a rapid, point-of-care assay for pathogenic species associated with sexually transmitted disease. These assays involve portable, miniaturized spot plates in which small sample volumes can be used to test for pathogenic species in a multiplexed manner. Combining our technology with color analyzing software available on the I-Phone enables rapid read-out in low resource settings.
- Unser, S., Bruzas, I., He, J., and Sagle, L., Sensors, Vol. 15, No. 7, 15684-15716, 2015.
- He, J., Boegli, M., Bruzas, I., Lum, W., and Sagle, L., Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 87, No. 22, 11407-11414, 2015.
Kraynik, S., Anthony, S., and Tranter, M., The FASEB Journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 982, 2015
Jie Wang
DMPK Department, Sanofi Genzyme, Waltham, MA 02541, USA
Title: Utility of Capillary Microsampling for Rat Pharmacokinetic Studies: Comparison of Tail-Vein Bleed to Jugular Vein Cannula Sampling

Jie Wang is working in DMPK Department at Sanofi Genzyme, USA
Serial sampling methods have been routinely used for rat pharmacokinetic (PK) studies . It is still common to take 100-250 µL of blood at each timepoint when performing a PK study in rats using serial sampling. Recently, microsampling (< 50 µL) techniques have been reported as an alternative process for collecting blood samples from rats. In this report, three proprietary compounds and two marketed drugs, fluoxetine and glipizide, were dosed orally into rats. Whole blood (and plasma) and capillary microsampling (CMS) samples were collected from jugular vein cannula (JVC) and tail-vein from the same rats. For the three proprietary compounds, the blood AUC as well as the blood concentration-time profile obtained from the tail vein was different from that obtained via JVC sampling. For fluoxetine, the blood AUC was not statistically different when comparing tail-vein sampling to JVC sampling, while the blood concentration-time profile that was obtained from the tail vein was different than the one obtained from JVC sampling. For both fluoxetine and glipizide, the blood concentration profiles obtained from CMS were equivalent to the blood concentration profiles obtained from the standard whole blood sampling, regardless of the sampling site. Thus, it is recommended that a consistent blood sampling method should be used for serial microsampling in discovery rat PK when testing new chemical entities. If the rat tail-vein sampling method is selected for PK screening, a bridging study on the lead compound is recommended to confirm that PK from JVC sampling is comparable to the tail vein sampling.

Dr. Rogatsky serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Chromatography and Separation Techniques (OMICS publishing group). During the last 10 years (from 2005), Dr. Rogatsky has published over 30 scientific papers in per-reviewed journals (mostly as the first author) and has presented over 50 posters and lectures. Overall, he has made more than a hundred scientific presentations and publications. Dr. Rogatsky completed his M.Sc. in physical chemistry at Belarus State University (former USSR) in 1990. He completed his PhD in bioanalytical chemistry (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) in 1998. At the end of 1999, he started his post-doctorate at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and became a faculty member since 2001 and was a mass spectrometry director at the Biomarker Analytical Resource Core. His title was Associate Research Professor of Medicine. From October 2015 Dr. Rogatsky is a supervisor of the Chemical Threat Laboratory in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences at Wadsworth Center, Albany NY, USA.
Method transfer from conventional LC/MS to UHPLC/MS seems to be straightforward and simple. Reality however, may be different. Hardware design of LC, UPLC and mass spectrometer, method throughput and assay ruggedness, - these factors may have a critical impact on method transfer. Certain case studies will be presented and critical aspects and typical issues of LC/MS to UHPLC/MS method transfer will be discussed.
Tianyu Zheng
University of Central Florida,USA
Title: D2Dx-From Diameter to Diagnostics: Gold Nanoparticle-Enabled Dynamic Light Scattering Assay for Chemical and Biological Target Detection and Analysis

Tianyu Zheng received his BS in Chemistry from the Northwest University of China in 2014. He is currently a PhD candidate in Chemistry with Dr Qun Huo in the NanoScience Technology Center at University of Central Florida (UCF). His primary research interest is gold nanoparticles together with dynamic light scattering for protein detection, size analysis and structural study.
Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is an analytical technique used routinely to measure the hydrodynamic sizes of particles with diameters in the nanometer region. Gold nanoparticles are known for their exceptional light scattering properties. By combining the strong light scattering property of gold nanoparticle probes with the size measurement capability of DLS, a new technique named as D2Dx (from diameter to diagnostics) for chemical and biological target detection and analysis was developed. Gold nanoparticles can be surface-modified with various chemical ligands, antibodies or other binding molecules to form gold nanoparticle probes. The binding of chemical or biological target analytes with their specific gold nanoparticle probes can lead to nanoparticle cluster formation, and subsequently, an average particle size increase of the assay solution. Such particle size increases can be measured by DLS, and correlated to the quantity of the target analytes. D2Dx is a single-step homogeneous solution assay, easy to perform, of low cost, and has excellent sensitivity and reproducibility. So far, this technique has been applied successfully for quantitative detection and analysis of a wide range of chemical and biological targets, including proteins, DNAs, viruses, carbohydrates, small chemicals, toxic metal ions, food and environmental toxins. In this talk, I will explain the principle of D2Dx, give an overview on the application potentials of this technique in biomedical research, food safety and environmental protection, and then present several specific examples of using D2Dx for protein detection and analysis.

Dan Jin completed her MSc and BSc at Peking University and is currently working towards a PhD under the supervision of Dr. Jie Chen at the University of Alberta. Her current research is a joint venture between the University of Alberta and Labs-Mart Inc., blending analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and biomedical engineering to develop practical solutions usable in industry.
Shengxi Jin holds a BSc in chemical engineering from the University of Alberta and a MBA from Queen’s University. He applies his academic knowledge and business experience to improve laboratory efficiency in industrial settings. Shengxi’s expertise includes LIMS development and computer process control.
Research on medicinal cannabis has been hampered by its legal status as a narcotic. However, the recent legalization in North America regarding the use of medicinal cannabis necessitates standardized phytochemical composition for commercial products in the interest of consumer safety and medicinal efficacy. The first step towards utilizing medicinal cannabis as a reliable mainstream medicine is cannabis cultivar distinction based on two main groups of medicinal ingredients: cannabinoids and terpenes. We have recently developed and validated GC-MS and HPLC-UV methods for quantifying dozens of phytochemicals characteristic to commercially-available cannabis strains. We are applying these analytical methods to profile cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis strains and, together with PCR, to correlate chemotaxonomic and genetic information. The results will contribute to the establishment of an industrial standard for phytochemicals in commercially-available cultivars in support of a continuously-growing market.
Ashraf Ali
Department of Chemistry, Inha University, South Korea
Title: Sub-2μm C18 Bound Silica Monolith Particles as HPLC Stationary Phase of High Separation Efficiency

Ashraf Ali Khan has completed his PhD at the age of 28 years from Advanced separation science laboratory, Department of Chemistry and chemical engineering, Inha University South Korea and now he is postdoctoral fellow in the same laboratory. He is working on the preparation of silica based stationary phases (C8, C18, Mixed mode) for reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Preparation of highly efficient CEC and long LC columns for carbohydrate, peptide and protein analysis. Coupling of our developed long LC columns with mass spectrometry (LC/MS). He has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals.
Sub-2μm porous silica monolith particles have been prepared successfully prepared by sol-gelprocess followed by grinding and calcinations at 550ËšC. The particles were derivatized with a C18 ligand followed by end-capping with a mixture of hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS), andtrimethylchlorosilane (TMCS). The resultant phase was packed in glass lined stainless steel microcolumn is much better than that of commercial C-18 phase. This phase has shown some encouraging possibility for fast analysis when packed in a short column. This study offers a promising vision towards commercialization of chromatographic phases based on silica monolith particles.
Graphical abstract
Fig.1. Microscopic view of silica monolith particles (a) and SEM images of C18-bound silicamonolith particles with different magnification (b, c, d). The scale bars are 20, 10, and 1 μm forc, and d, respectively. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 min
Fig.2. Chromatogram C18-bound sub-2μm silica monolith particles of current study. The mobilephase and column dimension is 60/40 acetonitrile/water, 0.1% TFA, 214nm and (1mm ID x 300m m length). The analytes elusion order is: Phenol, Acetophenone, 4-Methyl-2-nitroanailine, Benze ne and Toluene

Dr Makhafola is currently the General Manager: Research & Development at Mintek. He worked as Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry at Technikon Northern Gauteng (now called Tshwane University of Technology) and University of Venda. In 2004 was appointed Director: Quality Assurance at Border Technikon (now called Walter Sisulu University). Dr Makhafola was the Director: Quality Assurance at the University of Venda until he joined University of Kwa-Zulu Natal as the Director Quality Promotion & Assurance in July 2010, part of his responsibility was to lead the World University Rankings project.
Dr Makhafola served as member of Umalusi Council and also as Chairperson of Lovedale FET College Audit Committee. He is currently the Chairperson of DST/MINTEK Nanotechnology Innovation Centre Steering Committee. He served as a member of the Higher Education Quality Assurance Manager’s Forum and also chaired and facilitated various workshops on quality assurance in higher education. He is also serving as an academic committee member of QS World Ranking Universities. Dr Makhafola did the post-doctoral training in Analytical Chemistry at Indiana University. He presented his research work in more than 19 international conferences and published in credible journals.
Mintek provides world class research and development expertise, testwork, and process optimization for the mining industry locally and internationally. Mintek’s Cynoprobe online in-process cyanide analyzer for gold leaching operations continues to enjoy success, with close to 100 installations on sites across the globe. The use of the amperometric method helps limit interferences from unwanted species, makes the instrument cost effective to run, facilitates rapid measurement cycles, and enables the measurement of both Free and Weak Acid Dissociable (WAD) cyanide in one instrument. One of the notable outputs from Mintek’s 2015 research is a prototype hand-held version of Mintek’s Laboratory “Lab” Cynoprobe. The Lab Cynoprobe was developed several years ago to broaden the impact of Mintek’s cyanide measurement technology, and facilitates the use and evaluation of this amperometric technique within a Client’s own laboratory to assist with International Cyanide Management Code (ICMC) compliance and to evaluate the measurement principle for wider online implementation of the Cynoprobe v3 as part of a broader ICMC compliance strategy. Mintek has sold over 15 of these units in recent years, and has seen increased requests from industry for the instrument. The present version of the Lab Cynoprobe unit is ultimately a simplified version of the Cynoprobe 3 instrument. The drawback of the existing Lab Cynoprobe unit is the high cost associated with manufacturing the instrument. As a consequence, a project was initiated to develop a portable Handheld Cynoprobe unit using embedded technology to replace the expensive Lab Cynoprobe. In 2015 a hand-held, battery operated prototype of the unit was tested and shown to produce excellent results. A cost comparison was performed and indicates an expected manufacturing cost reduction of greater than 70% between the old Lab Cynoprobe and new Handheld Cynoprobe.
Peter J Baugh
EFASIG, The BMSS on behalf of Markes International Ltd,South Wales UK
Title: Comprehensive Insights into Tobacco Smoke using TD-GCxGC-TOF MS with Tandem Ionisation

Peter J Baugh is currently the Environmental and Food Analysis Special Interest Group Leader for The British Mass Spectrometry Society. He has published over 70 papers in a variety of radiation and environmental fields and in respected journals.
The hazardous constituents of cigarette smoke have attracted considerable attention lately, especially with increasing regulation around the world limiting or banning smoking in public places – and even in private cars if children are present.
From an analytical perspective, however, there is much that remains to be learnt about the composition of cigarette smoke, because of its high degree of complexity – tobacco smoke is thought to contain thousands of components across multiple chemical classes and wide concentration ranges.
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC), when coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS), has been shown to provide improved chemical fingerprinting of complex samples in areas of study as diverse as petrochemical analysis and fragrance profiling. However, commonly-used thermal modulation devices are unable to successfully modulate the most volatile components.
In this study, we use thermal desorption (TD) for collection and analysis of whole cigarette emissions, and couple it with flow-modulated GC×GC–TOF MS, to enable the constituents of whole smoke to be routinely and confidently sampled, separated and identified.
The use of novel Tandem Ionisation™ is also harnessed to increase the analytical resolution of the system, by providing both reference-quality 70 eV spectra and soft electron ionisation (EI) spectra simultaneously in a single analysis. The complementary soft EI spectra provide a powerful means of identifying compounds that exhibit similar mass spectral characteristics (or extreme fragmentation) at conventional 70 eV energies, but without the inconvenience typically associated with conventional soft ionisation techniques.
Song Gao
Stetson University, USA
Title: Understanding the Transformation Pathways of Atmospheric Aerosols: Some Revelations from Analytical Chemistry Techniques
Song Gao, Ph.D., is currently an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Stetson University in Florida, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Washington and did his postdoctoral training on Atmospheric Chemistry at California Institute of Technology (Caltech). He has received
The detailed chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols plays a key role in understanding their impact on the climate system, yet this information is still poorly understood due to the complicated molecular identity and transformation pathways involved. In addition, aerosol chemistry involved in urban smog pollution also requires detailed analytical characterization. This talk discusses how some analytical techniques can yield insights on aerosol chemical composition. In the laboratory, reactions among carbonyls and amines, common pollutants in urban areas, were carried out to verify the validity of the Mannich reaction in the urban atmosphere. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analyses indicate that Mannich-type products form under common acidity and temperature conditions, consistent with ambient observations and proposed mechanisms. In a separate case involving long-range transport, size-resolved aerosol samples were collected in the Caribbeans. Meteorological and chemical analyses, utilizing atomic absorption, show that these aerosols frequently had their origins in African desert, and carried mineral elements to enrich the soil in the Caribbeans. In addition, dust and black carbon were distributed in coarse and fine aerosol particles, respectively, due to their different sources and evolution pathways. Novel analytical techniques are needed to further unravel the unknown species in atmospheric aerosols and their roles in climate and pollution studies.
Chen-Zhong Li
Florida International University, USA
Title: Electronic Micro Devices for Neuron Activity Recording and Mapping

Prof. Chenzhong Li, is the director of the Nanobioengineering/Bioelectronics laboratory at Florida International University. The impact of his work is documented in 9 granted patents and more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers and over 140 presentations at National/International conferences including more than 90 keynote/invited lectures and seminars. He is the associate editor of 3 SCI indexed scientific journals and received numerous awards and honors such as Kaufmann Professor Awards.
Understanding and controlling the interface between neuronal cells and neuronal network and electrical devices is vital to both biological science and technology. Recent developments in the field of in vitro neuron mapping focus on the development of optical and electrochemical strategies for either single neuron cell/neuron measurement or artificial neuronal networks/brain slices mapping. To mimic in vivo neuronal networks and to elucidate the mechanisms of computation, spontaneous and elicited electrical activity need to be monitored, and multiple simultaneous recordings are required for monitoring individual unit and collective network activity. In this way, both individual cells and cell networks can be scrutinized in order to understand how changes in single unit activity and functionality. In the present study, we developed a large-scale integration -based amperometric sensor array system for electrochemical bioimaging and throughput sensing of dopamine expression from three-dimensional (3D)-cultured PC12 cells upon dopaminergic drugs exposure. It has been shown that individual cells behave differently from the population even under the identical conditions, as a complementary study, we also explore the possibility of single cell-on-chip based analytical technique which can collect real-time change in cell physiology by measurement of cell exocytosis, i.e., release of neurotransmitters, in a neuronal model cell line, i.e. PC12 cells. The study of single cell dynamics could help us better understand the complex processes, such as, neurotransmitter kinetics, ion channel functions, and cell communications, single cell analysis can be an equivalent and complementary strategy to existing approaches.
Moinuddin Sarker
Waste Technologies LLC (WTL), USA
Title: Conversion of Waste Plastic into Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuel

Dr. Zahir Akhunzada a PPD Consultant in the Analytical & Bioanalytical Development department at Bristol-Myers Squibb in New Brunswick, New Jersey where he is responsible for the analysis and characterization of proteins by MFI and related techniques. Before joining PPD, he worked for Schering-Plough/Merck. He was Assistant Prof. at King Saud University Riyadh Saudi Arabia and a Guest Investigator at the VA Hospital in Newark, NJ. He has a broad range of expertise in R&D, spectroscopy, chromatography, wet analytical techniques and biologics. He acquired research experience in the Netherland, Pakistan and earned his Ph. D. in Chemistry in 1992. He did his Post doctorate in Germany, has several research publications and co-Authored , a textbook with Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman on ”Stereoselective Synthesis in Organic Chemistry”, published (1993) by Springer Verlag, New York.
Waste Plastic is huge problem in USA and around the Global. This is global problem . Inventions of the twentieth century, plastics are everywhere. Society has found ample ways to use plastics. But users are less adept at managing the material when they are finished with it—often after only one use. The volume of plastics being produced, used, generated, and discarded is greater than ever before. Plastics therefore require increasing effort and ingenuity to properly manage. Annually, of the 120 billion pounds of plastics produced in the United States only about 6% or 4.8 billion pounds are recycled. For all the talk of plastic bans, plastic production is increasing. Waste Technologies LLC (WTL) has the solution at its disposal. This technology can produce approximately 1.3 liter of “WTL fuel” from one kilogram of plastic waste. The exact yield depends on the type of plastic, and the grade of WTL fuel desired. Typically, the process produces a residue of less than 5% of the weight of the plastic waste. This residue is rich in carbon and may be an environmentally superior substitute for coal with a higher BTU value. The WTL technology is able to cater to a wide range of diverse applications, including but not limited to fuel, gas and electrical generation. NSR’s / WTL patented technology, in conjunction with WTL technology and know-how, is a simple and economically viable process to decompose the hydrocarbon polymers of waste plastic into the shorter chain hydrocarbons of liquid fuel. WTL believes that it can convert approximately one tonne of plastic into about 300 gallons of fuel at a cost of about $0.75-$1.00 per gallon and produces 4,205 ft3 (CFT) of light gas (C1-C4) byproduct when developed to commercial size. WTL’s refining process is uncomplicated and promises to be very competitive with large crude oil installations. In financial projections WTL uses $30/bbl. ($0.71 per gallon) for preprocessing and refining costs. Other plastic recycling technologies generally have a very narrow band of plastics they can use. Nearly all recycling is done with plastic designations 1 or 2 while designations 3 through 7 are virtually untapped (over 70% of all plastic fall within these categories). A combination of economic and technological factors account for this situation. The advantage of WTL technology is that it can produce a profitable product from material that society generally pays to thrown away. It is this no or low cost feedstock that is the key advantage.
Zahir Akhunzada
PPD Contractor at BMS ABD New Brunswick
Title: Separation of Protein from Non-Proteinaceous Particles in Biopharmaceutical Formulations with MVAS by Microflow Imaging MFI

Dr. Zahir Akhunzada a PPD Consultant in the Analytical & Bioanalytical Development department at Bristol-Myers Squibb in New Brunswick, New Jersey where he is responsible for the analysis and characterization of proteins by MFI and related techniques. Before joining PPD, he worked for Schering-Plough/Merck. He was Assistant Prof. at King Saud University Riyadh Saudi Arabia and a Guest Investigator at the VA Hospital in Newark, NJ. He has a broad range of expertise in R&D, spectroscopy, chromatography, wet analytical techniques and biologics. He acquired research experience in the Netherland, Pakistan and earned his Ph. D. in Chemistry in 1992. He did his Post doctorate in Germany, has several research publications and co-Authored , a textbook with Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman on ”Stereoselective Synthesis in Organic Chemistry”, published (1993) by Springer Verlag, New York.
The presence of sub-visible particles (SVPs) is a major challenge in the development of therapeutic protein formulations. Distinction between proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous SVPs is vital in monitoring the formulation stability. The current compendial method based on light obscuration (LO) has limitations in analyzing translucent particles, requires large analysis volume and therefore demands urgent need for an unambiguous method to characterize SVPs. A number of attempts have been made to characterize SVPs, albeit with limited success. This presentation reveals a method that successfully characterizes and distinguishes, both potentially proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous SVPs in protein formulations by using Microflow Imaging (MFI) in conjunction with the MVAS (MFI View Analysis Suite) software.
Miroslav Ryska
Title: Can “Matrix effect†in LC/MS or LC/MS/MS assay be avoided or fully compensated

Mr. Miroslav Ryska (1938) holds an undergraduate degree from Charles University, along with an M.S. in Physical Chemistry from Moscow State University and a PhD. from the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. From 1961 to 1978 he worked at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. In 1978 - 1997 he worked as a researcher in the field of MS and its application in research of metabolism and pharmacokinetics of drugs at the Research Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Prague. He has written more than 100 publications mainly on the topic of mass spectrometry, trace analyses, analyses of drugs, metabolites and quantitative analysis. In the 1990’s Mr. Ryska acted as an Editor of two international journals, The Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. He founded Quinta-Analytica 1997 and currently holds the position of Vice President.
The source of the Matrix effect as a consequence of analyte ions suppression or ions enhancement must be sought in the presence of unknown impurities from matrix. These impurities can be regarded as Brønsted bases or acids. They are participating in the complex ionization process in parallel or competing ion-molecular reactions. Not only impurities from extracts but impurities adsorbed in the ion source and/or in the analytical system may play an important role in the extensively understood term “Matrix effects“. These adsorbed substances cannot be fully removed from the system by any cleaning procedure. On the other hand, this effect may be effectively used in the sensitive method of the determination of some drugs (e.g. lacidipine). To fully compensate for the negative impact of the “Matrix effect“, use of isotopically labeled internal standards (isotope dilution technique) proved to be the only effective technique. This applies especially to LC/MS/MS determination of drugs and their metabolites in complex extracts of biological matrices. The isotope dilution technique is successful regardless of the method of purification, the ionization technique (APCI or ESI in both positive and negative ion modes), and the type of the equipment used. In addition, the quality of isotopically labeled internal standards (with respect to the kinetic isotope effects dependent on the number of deuterium atoms present) is not crucial either. The isotope dilution technique proved to be 100% effective for the compensation of matrix effect influences in more than 100 analytical methods developed and validated. The strict requirements of EMEA guidelines to investigate different plasma sources for the assessment of the matrix effect in the analytical method validation are discussed further within this context.
- Track 10: Diagnostic Assays and Test Kits
Track11: New Instrumentation and Equipment
Track12: Regulatory Issues and Biosafety Challenges in Bioanalysis
Session Introduction
Li Niu
State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, china
Title: Electrochemical Sensing Based on Modified Interfaces and Analytical Instrument-Integrated Applications

Li Niu has completed his PhD at the age of 30 years from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry and postdoctoral studies from Åbo Akademi Unversity, Finland. Now, he is the director of Engineering Laboratory for Modern Analytical Techniques, CIAC, CAS, and also is RSC fellow. He has published more than 200 papers (H-index 41) in reputed journals and has been serving as editorial board members in several journals.
Engineering Laboratory for Modern Analytical Techniques, c/o State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, China, Email:, Webpage: Electrochemistry technique is an important member in the whole family of the instrumental analysis. Especially, in coupling with other techniques, we can know much information about the interfacial interaction, structural features, reaction process, mass transfer, etc. during electrochemical running. Unfortunately, imported instruments & equipment occupies the leading position in China within the past decades, electrochemistry system is also still the world of imported products in China, such as Princeton, CHI, BAS, Gamry, Biologic, etc. Besides those electrochemical instruments, some typical and daily-used electrochemical sensors, such as blood glucose analysis, industrial control gas sensors, heavy metal ion monitoring, blood gas analysis, met the same problem in China. With great increase of human industrial production, water quality analysis is becoming more and more necessary. A few typical electrochemical devices and methods for water monitoring, such as DO, COD, heavy metals, etc. have been developed successfully. In addition, various methods and sensors for bioanalysis & food analysis have been explored too. Furthermore, series of electrochemical instruments have been completed, which ranged from basic model to advanced, from potentiostat to bipotentiostat, even to multichannel, from integrated spectrometers to electrochemical imaging & etching components, etc. Those developed instruments have been widely used in many institutes & universities in China. Finally, the authors gratefully acknowledge the support of K. C. Wong Education Foundation, Hong Kong.
Kent Peterson
Fluid Imaging Technologies, USA
Title: Use of Novel Flow Imaging Particle Analysis in Biopharmaceutical Formulation (FlowCam®)

Kent Peterson serves as President and CEO of Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc, a Scarborough-based emerging growth technology firm providing image-based analysis of cells and particles in a fluid medium for numerous applications. Fluid Imaging has sold instruments into over 40 countries around the world. Mr. Peterson has been named Mainebiz Leader of the Year in the small business category. Fluid Imaging won the U.S. S.B.A. New England Exporter of the year award, the Maine International Trade Center’s Exporter of the Year and the Portland Regional Chamber’s Robert R. Masterton Award.
Flow Imaging particle analysis has shown great promise for analysis of sub-visible particulates in parenterals, especially for protein aggregates. The ability to detect transparent particles, along with the ability to differentiate them based upon shape parameters, yields significantly more detailed and accurate information than can be acquired using common laser diffraction and light obscuration techniques. The addition of color information, along with sophisticated statistical pattern recognition algorithms, can also enable these systems to differentiate and quantify silicon oil droplets and air bubbles found in parenterals. This presentation will present the techniques used to accomplish this.
Yu Bao, doctor, associate researcher in Engineering Laboratory for Modern Analytical Techniques, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Smartphones for sensing: Simple, portable analytical devices are entering our daily lives for personal care, clinical analysis, allergen detection in food, and environmental monitoring. Smartphones, as the most popular state-of-art mobile device, have remarkable potential for sensing applications. A growing set of physical-co-chemical sensors have been embedded; these include accelerometer, microphone, camera, gyroscope, and GPS units to access and perform data analysis. In this review, we discuss recent work focusing on smartphone sensing including representative electromagnetic, audio frequency, optical, and electrochemical sensors. The development of these capabilities will lead to more compact, lightweight, cost-effective, flexible, and durable devices in terms of their performances.
Zahir Akhunzada
PPD Contractor at BMS ABD New Brunswick
Title: Separation of Protein from Non-Proteinaceous Particles in Biopharmaceutical Formulations with MVAS by Microflow Imaging MFI

Dr. Zahir Akhunzada a PPD Consultant in the Analytical & Bioanalytical Development department at Bristol-Myers Squibb in New Brunswick, New Jersey where he is responsible for the analysis and characterization of proteins by MFI and related techniques. Before joining PPD, he worked for Schering-Plough/Merck. He was Assistant Prof. at King Saud University Riyadh Saudi Arabia and a Guest Investigator at the VA Hospital in Newark,
The presence of sub-visible particles (SVPs) is a major challenge in the development of therapeutic protein formulations. Distinction between proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous SVPs is vital in monitoring the formulation stability. The current compendial method based on light obscuration (LO) has limitations in analyzing translucent particles, requires large analysis volume and therefore demands urgent need for an unambiguous method to characterize SVPs. A number of attempts have been made to characterize SVPs, albeit with limited success. This presentation reveals a method that successfully characterizes and distinguishes, both potentially proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous SVPs in protein formulations by using Microflow Imaging (MFI) in conjunction with the MVAS (MFI View Analysis Suite) software
Satoru Michiyuki
Takaaki Ueda and Yasuyoshi Mori Eiken Chemeical Co., LTD. , JAPAN
Title: The development of semi-quantitative loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay using multi-well chip

Mr. Michiyuki has completed his Master’s degree at the age of 24 years from Kyushu University. He has worked as a researcher, focusing on the development of genetic clinical diagnosis in Eiken Chemical Co., LTD. since 2011.
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have become common tools for detecting pathogens in clinical samples. Among NAATs, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay, which enables DNA amplification and detection at constant temperture, has the advantages of reaction simplicity, amplification efficiency and also inexpensiveness compared to PCR-based technologies. Quantitative analysis in NAATs have been performed by kinetic analysis of amplification reactions as in so-called “real-time PCR method” and this aproach has found to be applicable to LAMP assay as well. However, these assay require sophisticated instruments and well-trained laboratory staffs to obtain accurate and reproducible results. This limitation has been a main obstacle to expand this type of quantitative LAMP assay to point of care tests in resorce limitting facilities. In this study, we developed simple and rapid semi-quantitative LAMP assay based on multi-well dispensing method (mult-well qLAMP). In the presentation, we will demonstrate that our novel technology is sufficient to distinguish some criterion of DNA levels with high reproducibility, and highly correlative to conventional quantitative LAMP assay. We expect that this technology can be applicable as point of care tests to help determination of treatment eligibility, especially in infectious deseases whose amont of pathogenic DNA is a crucial criteria of defining treatment strategy
Yi Ding
Abbott Nutrition Research and Development, Singapore
Title: Method Development of Carbohydrate Profile for Abbott Nutrional Products using HPAEC/PAD

Yi has completed his PhD in chemistry from Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Nanyang Technological University Singapore in 2010. He is currently a senior analytical scientist of Abbott Nutrition Research and Development, Singapore.
The purpose of this research method is to determine sugar profile (mono- and disaccharides) of Abbott nutritional products in fulfillment of the “Sugar” label claim. In this method, the sugars (galactose, glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose and maltose) were extracted from product primarily by dilution in water. The sugars were analyzed via high performance anion exchange coupled with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC/PAD). The HPAEC/PAD Dionex ICS5000 system was equipped with a triple pulsed electrochemical cell (ED) with a pH reference electrode (Ag/AgCl), a gold working electrode, and a borate trap in tandem with a PA1 analytical column. Quantitation was accomplished using a six level quadratic curve and peak area.
Sugars are analyzed by HPAEC/PAD via a new gradient elution program to ensure adequate resolution of the analytes of interest and known interferences from AN commodities. Method specificity was successfully evaluated by comparing the retention times of a sugar standard mix vs commonly used commodities and ingredients. Method accuracy and precision were evaluated by comparing results generated for AN research samples using this research method relative to third party laboratory results.
Marc Rippen
Alertgy LLC Daytona Beach Florida, USA
Title: Non Intrusive Blood Glucose Sensor Technology Overview

Marc Rippen holds degrees in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology, form FAU, A Master of Science in Aeronautics from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, and is completeing his PhD in Engineering and Technology Management at NCU. He is the CEO of Alertgy, a company he founded to develop and commercialize a non intrusive blood sugar monoitor and alert system. He is the former Director of Engineering at SRI for their marine and space science division, holds numerous US and World-wide patents and has published more than a dozen papers in reputed journals. As an expert consultant he provides commercializationm assessments for SBIR and STTR research projects for government agencies such as NASA, DOD, DOE, NSF as well as for various university research institudes to determine the commercial viablity and best path to market for technolgies developed during research activities
Current glucose monitoring devices are based on devices originally created in the 1960’s. They have been made smaller are easier to use and can log data, their measurements basically are the same as the first laboratory sensors. The patent must prick their fingure so they can squeeze a droplet of blood on a strip coated with an enzyme (usually glucose oxidase) that reacts to form hydrogen peroxide from the available glucose and oxygen. The hydrogen peroxide generated is then measured amperometrically with an electrode. The cost, inconvienance and pain incurred in using these systems has lead to heavy research to develop non-invasive glucose monitoring techniques. The major current areas of research and the sensor technologies they use will be discussed. The techniques to be covered include interstitial fluid chemical analysis, breath chemical analysis, infrared spectroscopy, optical coherence tomography, temperaturemodulated localized reflectance, raman spectroscopy, polarity changes, ultrasound, fluorescence, thermal spectroscopy, ocular spectroscopy, and impedance spectroscopy.
V.A. Krylov
N. I. Lobachevskii Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia
Title: High Sensitive GC–MS Determination of Esters o-Phthalic Acid in Wines

V. A. Krylov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. The main direction of scientific research of Professor Krylov is the development of the theory and applications of chromatography, chromatography–mass spectrometry for the analysis of high purity substances, including monoisotopic compounds, environmental objects and for the development of methods of the micropreconcentration of impurities. The attained detection limits for molecular impurities constituted 10–6 to 10–11 wt % and hit a record low. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, including reviews on the analytical chemistry of high purity volatile substances, the determination of organic substances in air, and liquid-liquid microextraction preconcentration
Esters of phthalic acid are very dangerous for human health. Their penetration into the organism leads to the occurrence of cancer, disease of liver, kidney, reproductive organs. Phthalates are very widespread toxicants. Their occurrence in wines is connected with the inflow from the plasticized polymer seals, plastic piping, tanks and stoppers. In this study the high sensitive gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of phthalates in low alcoholic beverages (champagne, red and white wine) coupled ultrasound-assisted emulsification-microextraction was developed. As extractants environmentally friendly hydrocarbons - octane and n-hexane are proposed. The sources of possible systematic errors were investigated: leaking of o-phthalates from chromatographic septum; contamination of phthalate in solvents; influence of macro components of wines; the hydrolysis of o-phthalates and others. For the first time it is shown that the impact of these factors can lead to an overestimation or underestimation of the actual concentration of impurities by 1-2 orders of magnitude. The methods of accounting or elimination of systematic errors are proposed. Purification of solvents by Rayleigh distillation method allows to obtain samples with impurity content lower than (1-4)∙10-3 mgL-1. It is shown that the duration of storage of wine samples prior to analysis should not exceed three days. Containers for sampling and storage of samples to be analyzed should be made of borosilicate glass or quartz. The content of phthalates in wines was 0.03 - 1 mgL-1. The largest concentrations are characteristic for diethyl-, di-n-butyl- and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalates. The limits of detection of esters of о-phthalic acid in low alcohol beverages achieved are at the level of 10-6–10-5 mgL-1 and are highly competitive with the best world results. The relative expanded uncertainty of the determination of toxicants of 13- 30%.
Emeka Martin Enemchukwu
University of South Africa, South Africa
Title: Comparative study of solid state phosphate selective electrodes of variable membrane composition

Dr Martin Enemchukwu has completed his PhD in Chemistry from University of South Africa (Unisa). He is currently a lecturer and the Extended Science Pathway supervisor at Unisa. In his current position, he has helped Unisa kick start a foundation provision programme that supports students academically in the science degrees and diplomas. He has co-authored more than 5 papers in reputed journals. He is the founding member of the Ecotoxicology Research Niche Area (RNA) being hosted by the Chemistry department of the same university. His research area focuses on the effective fabrication and use of ion selective electrodes in the monitoring of harmful chemical pollutants in our environment.
In this study solid-state ion selective electrodes which are sensitive to inorganic phosphate ions have been prepared. The solid salts used in the electrodes membranes composition were aluminium powder (Al), Aluminium phosphate (AlPO4) and powdered copper (Cu). The principal component of the electrodes was Aluminium phosphate (AlPO4). Studies on phosphate detection in solution were conducted by varying the quantities of the principal component and the other membrane components in a particular membrane under the same conditions. In some cases, a membrane component is entirely omitted and effects on phosphate detection observed. The mechanism for the selectivity of phosphates by the electrodes includes adsorption, absorption and ion-exchange processes. An understanding of these processes reveals that the composition of the membrane material and its molecular structural framework are all important. The ternary membrane electrodes exhibited linear potential response in the concentration range of 1.0 × 10−1M to 1.0 × 10−6M. The electrodes have a long lifetime and can be stored in air while not in use.
- Track 10: Diagnostic Assays and Test Kits
Track11: New Instrumentation and Equipment
Track12: Regulatory Issues and Biosafety Challenges in Bioanalysis