V.A. Krylov
N. I. Lobachevskii Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia
V. A. Krylov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. The main direction of scientific research of Professor Krylov is the development of the theory and applications of chromatography, chromatography–mass spectrometry for the analysis of high purity substances, including monoisotopic compounds, environmental objects and for the development of methods of the micropreconcentration of impurities. The attained detection limits for molecular impurities constituted 10–6 to 10–11 wt % and hit a record low. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, including reviews on the analytical chemistry of high purity volatile substances, the determination of organic substances in air, and liquid-liquid microextraction preconcentration
Abstract : High Sensitive GC–MS Determination of Esters o-Phthalic Acid in Wines