Satoru Michiyuki
Takaaki Ueda and Yasuyoshi Mori Eiken Chemeical Co., LTD. , JAPAN
Title: The development of semi-quantitative loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay using multi-well chip
Biography: Satoru Michiyuki
Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) have become common tools for detecting pathogens in clinical samples. Among NAATs, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay, which enables DNA amplification and detection at constant temperture, has the advantages of reaction simplicity, amplification efficiency and also inexpensiveness compared to PCR-based technologies. Quantitative analysis in NAATs have been performed by kinetic analysis of amplification reactions as in so-called “real-time PCR method” and this aproach has found to be applicable to LAMP assay as well. However, these assay require sophisticated instruments and well-trained laboratory staffs to obtain accurate and reproducible results. This limitation has been a main obstacle to expand this type of quantitative LAMP assay to point of care tests in resorce limitting facilities. In this study, we developed simple and rapid semi-quantitative LAMP assay based on multi-well dispensing method (mult-well qLAMP). In the presentation, we will demonstrate that our novel technology is sufficient to distinguish some criterion of DNA levels with high reproducibility, and highly correlative to conventional quantitative LAMP assay. We expect that this technology can be applicable as point of care tests to help determination of treatment eligibility, especially in infectious deseases whose amont of pathogenic DNA is a crucial criteria of defining treatment strategy