Miroslav Ryska
Mr. Miroslav Ryska (1938) holds an undergraduate degree from Charles University, along with an M.S. in Physical Chemistry from Moscow State University and a PhD. from the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. From 1961 to 1978 he worked at the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. In 1978 - 1997 he worked as a researcher in the field of MS and its application in research of metabolism and pharmacokinetics of drugs at the Research Institute for Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Prague. He has written more than 100 publications mainly on the topic of mass spectrometry, trace analyses, analyses of drugs, metabolites and quantitative analysis. In the 1990’s Mr. Ryska acted as an Editor of two international journals, The Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry. He founded Quinta-Analytica s.r.o.in 1997 and currently holds the position of Vice President.
Abstract : Can “Matrix effect†in LC/MS or LC/MS/MS assay be avoided or fully compensated