Yeun-Jun Chung
The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
Yeun-Jun Chung is a Professor of Medical Microbiology and Head of Integrated Research Center for Genome Polymorphism (Catholic Medical College, Korea). He has studied genomics based personalized medicine for past twenty years. Since he founded IRCGP, he has studied Variomics and Oncogenomics using array-CGH, GWAS, NGS, MLPA-CE-SSCP and BI tools. He has published >80 research papers including Gastroenterology, Genome Res, Arthritis Rheum, Cancer Res, Bioinformatics, J Pathol etc. Currently he is an editor-in-chief of Genomics & Informatics (official journal of Korean Genome Organization) and an editorial board member of Experimental & Molecular Medicine and World Journal of Gastroenterology.