Call for Abstract

22nd Global Summit on Analytical and Bioanlaytical Techniques, will be organized around the theme “”

Analytica Acta 2021 is comprised of 12 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Analytica Acta 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Advanced Bio-analytical Techniques consider to all Bioanalytical techniques in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmaceutical and clinical sciences, environmental, biochemistry scientific and materials sciences. Bioanalytical Chemistry also be a sub-division of Analytical Chemistry that covers the measuring of drugs , Proteins and de oxy RNA in unnatural samples or concentrations. Bioanalytical Techniques and validation are utilized within the measuring and analysis of giant molecule medicine.

  • Biosensor
  • Electrophoresis
  • LC–MS (liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry)
  • Hyphenated techniques
  • Ligand binding assays
  • Nuclear magnetic resonan

Biopolymers are attracting immense attention lately due to their diverse applications which will address growing environmental concerns and energy demands. The development of varied biomaterials creates significant advancements within the medical field also, and lots of biopolymers are used for the fabrication of biomaterials. Together, biopolymers and biomaterials create great potential for brand spanking new materials, applications, and uses. Biopolymer and Biomaterials, covers the science and utilization of bio-polymers and bio-materials. It shows an assortment of various examinations on bio-polymers and bio-materials, accessible their results, clarification, and therefore the ends met up at through examinations. It combined bio-polymer blend, their descriptions, and their potential applications.

  • Starch based bio-polymers
  • Sugar based bio-polymers
  • Cellulose ased bio-polymers
  • Synthetic based bio-polymers

The technique of analytical chemistry is used for examining materials by separating them into their components and identifying every single component and how much there is of each one. Using mass spectrometry to measure charged particles to determine the mass of a substance is an example for analytical-chemistry.


  • Drug formulation and development
  • Chemical or forensic analysis
  • Process development
  • Quality control

Chromatography is a famous technique utilized in laboratories across the globe. Scientists are employing chromatography as an analysis tool for pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, industrial, forensics, and many other industries. As the technology driving the growth and implementation of chromatography constantly improves, the basic principle remains the same with the overall effectiveness of chromatography largely depending on the scientist choosing the right technique and phases to use within that technique. With the wide variety of chromatographic techniques available, scientists have plenty choices available to help them achieve the chemical separation they need,

  • Gas Chromatography
  • Thin-Layer Chromatography
  • Paper Chromatography
  • Liquid Chromatography
  • Advances in Chromatography & HPLC Techniques

The significance of mass spectrometry (MS) to future of food research is now well established. In last few decades the role of mass spectrometry and related techniques is increasingly developed as an enabling tool in food analysis for quality control. LC-MS coupling have led to the development in new interfaces and extending the possibilities and automation of various procedures. Undoubtedly advances in ionization techniques having a broad range of applicability and high sensitivity for the analysis of high polar and high molecular mass compounds of food concern have been the key of this development in last few years.

  • Allergens and Pesticide testing by as spectrometry
  • Use of Mass spectrometry in product safety department
  • Quality check in food industries

(NMR)Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometry is an analytical technique applied in quality regulation and research for analysing the content and purity of a sample along with its molecular structure. For example, NMR can quantitatively analyse compounds containing well-known compounds. For unidentified compounds, NMR can either be used to match against spectral libraries or to infer the basic structure directly. Once the elementary structure is known, nuclear magnetic resonance can be used to analyse molecular conformation in solution along with studying physical properties at the molecular level such as conformational exchange, phase changes, solubility, and diffusion. In order to achieve the desired results, different types of NMR techniques are available.


  • Detecting the Signal: Fourier Transform
  • Shielding and De-shielding of Protons
  • Chemical Shift Equivalent and Non-equivalent Protons
  • Signal Splitting: Spin-Spin Coupling
  • Two- Dimensional (2D) NMR Techniques
  • Proton NMR Spectroscopy
  • Carbon NMR Spectroscopy

An assay is an investigative (analytic) procedure in laboratory medicine, pharmacology, environmental biology and biology Assays applied to individuals have many uses, such as aiding and documenting pathogenicity of disease in a person, avoiding spread of disease through any means, contributing to eradication of an infection from a person to person, approving diagnosis of clinical cases, assessing infection frequency to aid risk analysis, detecting infected animals toward implementation of control actions, and categorizing animals for herd health or immune status post-vaccination. A solo assay may be validated for one or more anticipated purposes by enhancing its performance characteristics for each purpose, example. Setting diagnostic sensitivity high, with associated lower diagnostic specificity for a screening assay, or conversely, setting high with associated lower Dose for confirmatory assay.

The maintenance of a anticipated level of quality in package or product. Bio analytical Chemistry is a division of Analytical Chemistry that involves in measuring quality of medicine, Ion sensors, Proteins and DNA Sequences in inorganic samples or compounds. Accurate analysis of the drug samples is very important for several scientific endeavours which cannot delay the outcome. Therefore the Bio analytical Techniques are in the mainly focused to obtain the correct results of the drug sample to resource an ideal result.

Environmental Analytical Chemistry focus on specialization in advanced analytical methodology to confront different difficulties in environmental and pharmaceutical industry. for example, analytical instrumentation techniques for remote assessments, assurance of trace atmospheric constituents of anthropogenic and distinctive root, location and identification of natural and inorganic poisons in air, water, soil analysis and validation of substantial metals and radionuclides in the environment, diverse technique of chemo metrics in ecological analysis. . Cases of issues which have been such as climatic science consolidate destructive rain, ozone consumption, photochemical fumes cloud, greenhouse.

This Term of Analytical will be discussing about safety challenges. Liquid analysis is a important analytical technique that combinations of physical separation capabilities act with the mass spectrometry analysis capability of spectrometry analysis. LC-MS system is used for fast and mass directed purification of natural-products molecular entities necessary to food and different industries. LC-MS is usually utilized in drug development research at many various stages, impurity identification, quantitative Bio analysis, and control.

Analytical chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with separation, identification and quantification of chemical compounds. Chemical analysis can be qualitative, as in the identification of the chemical components in a sample or quantitative, as in the determination of the amount of a certain component in the sample.

The track of congress will be describing about technique, development and validation. Analytical technique development and validation are repeated and inter-dependent task related to research, internal control and quality assurance departments. Design of experiment may be a influential tool for the tactic characterization and validation.


  • Standard of technique
  • Accuracy & Precision
  • Linearity & Range